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Human Resources & Learning & Development – Are You Providing Training Programs for your Senior Leaders?

We don’t often consider the need for training, or professional development, opportunities for senior leaders. We do, however, consider what training is needed for nearly all other employees in the organization and may even have training programs in place for various groups/levels of employees. But senior leaders in the organization need learning opportunities also; […]

Providing Opportunities for Employees When Career Paths Do Not Exist

Not every role in an organization has a clear and specific career path for employees to progress through their roles. But this does not mean that you can’t provide opportunities for employees to develop their skills and take on leadership roles. Be creative!

Here are some ways to provide employees with opportunities to develop […]

Helping New Managers Succeed

Too often we promote individual contributors into roles where we now want them to manage people without providing them what they need to be successful. Simply because someone is good technically – doing the tasks associated with their role – doesn’t mean they will be good leading people. Leading people requires different skillsets. To […]

Why Training Matters

It is an investment organizations must make

Training should be a component of every organization’s strategic plan. Training provides significant benefits for organizations including:

Providing employees the skills and knowledge necessary to move the organization forward Enabling for improved recruitment and retention of top talent Demonstrating to employees that the organization cares about them and […]

Using Strong Emotional Intelligence to Manage Conflicts: A Case Study

Many organizations focus on strengthening emotional intelligence (EI) of their management staff. While this is important, just as important is strengthening EI of all employees – at all levels, especially those employees who interact with customers. Strong emotional intelligence enables us to avoid or reduce conflicts and to manage through them when they do occur. […]