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Providing Feedback that Makes Sense!

Abigail, a manager of a customer service support team, often provides feedback to her employees that they find to be of no value. She has told employees that “You need to do a better job on the phone with customers,” or noted good work with comments such as, “Good job!”

What’s wrong with this […]

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters for Leaders

Emotional intelligence (EI) is out ability to understand our own emotions and manage those emotions. It also enables us to understand and manage the emotions of others.

Strong EI as a leader means leaders have stronger working relationships across the organization, collaborate and communicate more effectively with others, and can influence others to […]

Helping New Managers Succeed

Too often we promote individual contributors into roles where we now want them to manage people without providing them what they need to be successful. Simply because someone is good technically – doing the tasks associated with their role – doesn’t mean they will be good leading people. Leading people requires different skillsets. To […]

Enable for Collaboration in Training Programs

A Mini Case Study

Enabling for collaboration in training programs enables for increased interactions between participants and the facilitator and increased opportunities for learning. Many of my clients assume that to enable for more collaborative efforts, training has to be over a longer time period, for example a year long leadership program. But collaboration […]

Engage Employees in Change

It matters to ensure support and adoption

When change is launched in an organization, there is an expectation among senior leadership that it will be successful. Sometimes this assumption is made because the change appears to be minor and “not a big deal.” Other times this assumption is made because senior leadership understands why […]