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Hey Leaders – How about the impact of change on you?

Leaders are told to consider the impact of a change on the team they are leading; but what about them? What about the impact of change on the leader him or herself? As a leader how you ever considered the impact of a change on you?

In consulting with leaders around change, I always […]

Engage Employees in Change

It matters to ensure support and adoption

When change is launched in an organization, there is an expectation among senior leadership that it will be successful. Sometimes this assumption is made because the change appears to be minor and “not a big deal.” Other times this assumption is made because senior leadership understands why the […]

Have Conversations to Engage Employees in a Change Initiative

When an organization is about to launch a change initiative, it is wise to engage employees in conversations about that change. Sharing information – such as why the change has to happen and the future vision of the organization after the change is implemented – enables employees to begin to adapt to the change that […]

Plan Ahead to Introduce Change

Increase your chances of engaging a broader group of stakeholders

When leadership plans ahead before introducing change within the organization, they are more likely to engage a broader group of stakeholders in that change. When a broader group of stakeholders is engaged, there is an increased likelihood of the change being successfully adopted within the […]

A Defined Approach to Communicating on Change Initiatives Makes a Difference

Put Communication Policies in Place to Ensure Success of Change Initiatives

Having a defined approach to how we communicate on change initiatives makes a tremendous difference toward ensuring success of organizational change. A defined approach means that the organization has in place:

A strategic change communication plan A group responsible for communicating on change Defined […]