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Helping a New Member of the Team Adapt

3 Key Ways

When someone new joins the team – whether a department, workgroup or a project team – it is important to help them adapt as quickly as possible in order to get them up to speed and become productive on the team.

Consider these three simple ways to help a new team member […]

Managing Projects

What if the team starts off pessimistic about the project?

Most team members are excited about working on a new project, even if a bit apprehensive. Generally they are excited about the possibilities and start off optimistic. It may certainly be “uninformed optimism” since they may not know enough about what the project entails just […]

Problems on the Team: A Mini Case Study – Part II

I need to get control of our virtual team meetings!

Read Part I for background information.

What is going on?

Likely, the following are issues for this team:

Lack of meeting skills No meeting processes in place No team norms The team leader is not intervening and effectively facilitating meetings to follow agendas (additionally, agendas […]

Problems on the Team: A Mini Case Study – Part II

Why do I have to be involved in this initiative!

Read Part I for background information.

What might be the primary reasons for the team feeling as they are?

The team likely does not understand the value of teamwork and the benefits of being a member of this team. It is also likely that limited, […]

Problems on the Team: A Mini Case Study – Part I

I need to get control of our virtual team meetings!

The members of your team have great ideas and are engaged, but every single one of your virtual teams meetings is out of control. Team members are always interrupting each other’s ideas to shout out their own. No one bothers to build on any one’s […]