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Build a Plan for Team Building

When you have decided to commit to team building on your team, build out your action plan to plan for team building. In this way, you’ll be sure that team building will be more than just some fun for the team (though that is important too!) but will also address the reasons why you are […]

5 Fun Ways to do Team Building

Team building is essential for any team. Team building enables for getting to know colleagues and co-workers which improves collaboration and reduces conflicts in the workplace. Team building bridges the gap between the generations and improves communications.

Here are five (5) fun ways to enable for team building within your group:

Do karaoke together: Whether […]

How Are You Doing as Team Leader?

Best Pratice

Have you asked the team lately?

How are you doing as the team leader? When did you last ask your team how effectively you are doing as the lead? For longer running teams – 1 year or more – consider checking in every 6 months with your team to see how you are performing in […]

Increase the Success of Your Virtual Teams

Challenges Managing Virtual Teams

Many of today’s teams include virtual or remote members. In fact, in today’s global environment, we may be leading teams that have very few, if any, co-located members. While all teams need to have structure, it is especially important to ensure there are processes and structure in place for virtual teams in order to ensure […]

6 Ways to Get to Know New Team Members

Team Building

We can get new team members better acclimated to the group and to the work of the group’s initiative when we take the time to get to know them and understand what’s important to them. Additionally, by getting to know them, we begin to establish a strong working relationship as well as build trust with […]