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Stop Micromanaging Your Employees

Set goals and define expectations instead!

In coaching a number of managers over the last couple of years, I have found that many of them micromanage employees because they have not defined expectations or collaborated with employees to set goals. For new managers, in particular, they may not know how to delegate effectively; thereby defaulting […]

Setting a Strategic Goal of Cross-Functional Collaboration

Strategic Plan

A mini case study – Part I

A global client of Abudi Consulting Group was interested in setting, as one of their strategic goals for the year, the goal of increased cross-functional and cross-geographical collaboration among all levels of employees. A number of issues over the last few years led the executive leadership team to […]

Set Goals and Establish Priorities in Collaboration with Others


Leaders collaboration with peers to ensure alignment across departments that need to work together

Setting goals and establishing priorities for one department relies on collaboration with another. Department or workgroup goals cannot be developed and prioritized in a bubble! It is essential to involve peer leaders to ensure alignment of goals across the organization. Additionally, […]

Three Goals for Leaders in the New Year

Set Goals

As the New Year gets started, leaders should set goals for themselves, just as they do for their business and just as they do for their employees. There are any number of goals that an individual leader might set; but consider these three key goals for every leader:

Get employees more involved in the business. […]

Setting Goals as a New Leader

The biggest challenge I hear from new leaders is setting goals achieving them given all else that needs to be done in the role. Here is one tip that I have used throughout the years – when I started my first job, got my first leadership position, transitioned to having my own business and today […]