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Three Ways to Successfully Wrap up the Work Team’s Efforts

When the effort of the work team is over; take these three steps to wrap up the work they have done:

Collaborate with the team to develop the final report on the team’s results. Include information on the original goals of the team, summarize their accomplishments, summarize the research/data collected and analyzed, include the conclusions […]

Assess Your Project Team

To better assign roles and responsibilities to each team member

Prior to assigning roles and responsibilities on projects, assess the skills and knowledge of your project team. This does not have to be a formal assessment process. Consider these simple best practices to assess the skills of your team and assign roles and responsibilities to […]

Enabling for Development Opportunities on the Team

I often hear from project team members that they are always utilized for their current skills and expertise but are rarely provided the opportunity to develop skills and grow professionally and personally.

It doesn’t take much effort in planning to enable for growth opportunities for team members, and it doesn’t have to take a toll […]

Engaging Your Project Team

Often when managing projects we forget the need to keep the team engaged. We are so focused on meeting the schedule, managing the budget, and dealing with the sponsor and other stakeholders that we forget about the team and their needs. We just hope they keep moving forward to accomplish their tasks and tend to […]

How to Maintain and IMPROVE Competence in Yourself and Your Team

Military service people are given thorough training in their respective specialties, whether you are an Aircraft Mechanic, or Infantryman. In some cases, their lives—and the lives of others—depend on very specific, competent, and timely performance. The Navy Seal team that eliminated Osama bin Laden showed their competence in accomplishing their mission.

You want to be […]