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We all talk too much and do too little

Talking is overrated. It’s what we do that matters. But if we are honest, we all talk too much and do too little.

We say that the new company strategy is the best we had in years but, deep down, we don’t really understand it.

We say a good leader needs to act transparent, but […]

Achieve Change in Your Organization by Showing the Value

You don’t have to be in a leadership role to achieve change in your organization. Often, the best changes happens from those not in an executive role because these individuals – who are doing the work of the business day in and day out – actually see the need for change. Change enables for a […]

What if what’s in their best interest……doesn’t interest them?

A very good post appeared on the FastCompany site recently, in which author Ginny Whitelaw declared, “Empathy is the most powerful leadership tool.”There’s not a lot to disagree with in the article. It is, essentially, about Covey’s “seek first to understand” and represents both a practical, and I would say moralistic, way to approach your […]

Ensuring an Effective (and Search Engine Friendly) Web Site

As I was reading a recent article in Business on Main, The 7 Deadly Sins of SEO, I thought to myself, “Yes, done that!” Ensuring your website meets your needs and is optimized for the search engines (and therefore search engine friendly) does not happen by magic. It takes a concerted effort on your part […]

Managing Your Logistics as You Grow Your Business

Logistics means many things – it might refer to how you get your products and services to your customer, or how you communicate with remote employees, or how you get your products developed in a timely manner to meet customer expectations. The challenge as we grow our businesses is how to manage logistics. In the […]