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Using Employee Resource Groups to Support Diversity

Diversity within the organization enables for a variety of benefits, including creativity and innovation in:

Solving problems of the business New products and services for customers

Additionally, diversity enables for better meeting the needs of customers – who are often diverse themselves. One method to support diversity within the organization is through encouraging and supporting […]

Does Your Organization Have a Clear Definition of Diversity?

Many organizations discuss diversity and talk about the importance of diversity, but few have a working definition of what diversity means for the organization. Without a clear definition of diversity, how can the employees within the organization get behind diversity in the organization?

A recent meeting with a client indicated that we needed to […]

How Companies Take a Systematic Approach to Managing Workplace Diversity

In today’s global environment companies must manage workplace diversity effectively in order to compete and retain the best employees. Even organizations that are smaller will have to manage workplace diversity – they will have clients who are diverse, employees who are diverse, suppliers and vendors who are diverse. Managing workplace diversity is much more than […]