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Preparing for an Employee Performance Review

Too often we don’t prepare for a performance review session with an employee. We are not comfortable having a conversation with the employee (especially if we have to talk about issues with performance) and put off having the meeting as long as we can. Then, when we finally sit down to meet with the […]

How Companies Take a Systematic Approach to Managing Workplace Diversity

In today’s global environment companies must manage workplace diversity effectively in order to compete and retain the best employees. Even organizations that are smaller will have to manage workplace diversity – they will have clients who are diverse, employees who are diverse, suppliers and vendors who are diverse. Managing workplace diversity is much more than […]

Tips for Effective Competency-Based Interviewing

Effective interviews are not easy – as the interviewer you need to be well prepared. (And it goes without saying that the interviewee also needs to be well prepared!) Map out the questions you want to ask the candidate. Do a thorough review of the candidate’s resume – highlight areas where you would like […]