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Project Manager Skills

So many are needed for success!

I recently posted a question on LinkedIn asking individuals their thoughts on the “one skill” that is a must have for project managers. We all know, of course, that many skills are necessary for project managers to be successful – there is no one skill. The challenge in this […]

A Mini Case Study: Leading a Project as a New Project Manager – Part II

Best Practices for a New Project Manager to Establish Themselves and Build Relationships Quickly

Read Part I for background information.

In his part, we’ll share some best practices to help Sydney ensure her first project starts off well.

As we learned, Sydney does have some base knowledge – she attended a week long onboarding program […]

A Mini Case Study: Leading a Project as a New Project Manager – Part I

Best Practices for a New Project Manager to Establish Themselves and Build Relationships Quickly

Background: Sydney was a newly hired project manager at a consulting firm. She has previous experience working on project teams, but had never led a project on her own. She has only been with the firm for two weeks and has […]

The Value of Engaging Stakeholders

Last year, three particular projects in which I was involved with clients was focused on managing the change management and communication process for large technology projects the clients were undertaking within the organization.

I’d like to focus this article on one of those projects where the client did not quite recognize the need for change […]

Taking Time to Build Relationships with Key Stakeholders

As a best practice, to engage your stakeholder and gain commitment/support for your projects, be sure to spend the time building relationships with key stakeholders. Do this before you need to engage them in conversations about the project or request their support.

Here are just a few simple ways to build relationships with key stakeholders:
