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Three Goals for Leaders in the New Year

Set Goals

As the New Year gets started, leaders should set goals for themselves, just as they do for their business and just as they do for their employees. There are any number of goals that an individual leader might set; but consider these three key goals for every leader:

Get employees more involved in the business. […]

Your Role as a Coach

Do These 3 Things

Your role as a coach is to accomplish three things:

Regularly meet one-on-one with employees; collaborate with each employee to set professional development goals and developing action plans to achieve those goals. Help them secure challenging projects that enable for developing their skills. Enable your employees to learn for themselves. Help […]

How Managers Can Enable Learning from Mistakes

“We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.” – Samuel Smiles

It isn’t easy for managers to enable their employees to make mistakes or have failures. Managers worry […]

Four Ways to Help Your Employees Build Their Skills

To help your employees build their skills, try these four things:

Provide employees with mentors. Provide opportunities for employees to take training workshops. Refer employees to articles and books where they can find practical advice they can use. Provide employees with opportunities to work on projects and initiatives where they can develop their skills

How […]

Increase the Chances of the Training “Sticking” Back on the Job

Use a variety of methods to increase the chances of training in workshops sticking once the participants return to their jobs. For example,

Utilize case studies, discussion topics and problem solving scenarios that are similar to what the participant’s encounters in their role. Enable for opportunities to practice the concepts being learned within the classroom […]