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Poll Question: What One Seminar Would You Take If You Could Take Just One?

Money is tight these days. Likely training budgets are cut significantly. But you still want to focus on your personal and professional development.

If you could take only one seminar to learn a new skill or improve on a current skill – what would you take? (Choose one only)

Team leadership (25%, 5 Votes)
Influencing others (20%, 4 Votes)
Strategic planning (20%, 4 Votes)
Change management (10%, 2 Votes)
Negotiation (5%, 1 Votes)
Problem solving and decision making (5%, 1 Votes)
Project management (5%, 1 Votes)
Risk management (5%, 1 Votes)
Communication (5%, 1 Votes)
Financial management (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 20

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Poll Question: How Do You Develop Your High Potential Employees?

It is important for organizations to develop those employees who have the ability to move into leadership roles within the organization: your “high potentials.” These individuals should be developed from the time they come into the organization and are recognized as having the potential to move into a senior role – possibly a future C-level […]

Poll Question: Around the World in 30 Days!

This blog has been up just over 30 days! I cannot believe how fast the time has passed. It has been a tremendous amount of fun and quite a learning experience. I have met some wonderful folks with interesting backgrounds and look forward to meeting many more in the future. I’m having a great time […]

Poll Question: What is the Most Difficult Part of Pulling Together a Project Team

Gathering together a project team is not the easiest job in the world! Some project managers are able to pick their own teams (lucky you!); others get a team assigned to them (OK – so here you can say, “Hey…not my fault – I didn’t choose the team members!”).

Sometimes a project is ready to […]

Poll Question: For what purpose do you, or would you, use a coach?

There are many resources on coaching, including:

The International Coaching Federation: the largest worldwide resource for professional coaches, and the source for those who are seeking a coach. Human Resources, Tips for Effective Coaching Germane Consulting for great articles/resources for coaching.

There are also many books available for individuals who are professional coaches. Just […]