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Creating and Using an Issues Log on Your Projects

Issues will arise on every project – it’s inevitable. To ensure that issues are addressed most effectively and efficiently, create an issues log for all team members to use when issues arise. This information is also a great addition to the lessons learned component of your project.

Capture the following information for each issue that […]

Best Practices for Creating the Project Charter

Developing a document that will help you manage your project!

While we all know that in theory the project charter is handed to the project manager from the project sponsor, in reality this never happens! The project manager develops the project charter based on information from the sponsor and other key stakeholders. Too often project […]

Why Project Managers Must Build Strong Relationships

Being a project manager in an organization is hardly an easy job. You spend your days trying to get others in the business to help you reach your goals – deliver that project on time, within budget and within the quality expectations of the stakeholders. And frequently you are doing all of this with […]

Initiating a Global Project

Take these key first steps to increase your success!

Global projects are, by nature, complex initiatives to manage. You are working with a variety of individuals, from a variety of cultural backgrounds with differing expectations around the initiative. Time zones alone are a significant challenge when trying to schedule meetings!

When challenged with leading a […]