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Who Is Responsible for Developing Talent?


In talking with a potential client the other day on how to best develop their employees, the President of the company told me that human resources is responsible for developing talent in the company. The SVP of human resources, who was also in the meeting, suggested that the President was incorrect; others were also involved in developing talent.

Who’s correct? Both of them!

Human Resources should be leading the charge (as the President suggested); however, without participation – active participation – and support from the President and every other executive and business unit head (as the HR SVP suggested), any talent management efforts will not be successful.

The best talent management programs will include a role for every manager and executive level person in the organization. Whether it is participating in coaching, providing them opportunities to lead projects in a particular business unit or given them the support (resources, time, etc.) they need to be successful – there needs to be involvement above and beyond human resources.

After the conversation, the President agreed. Next steps? I’ll be meeting with the executive team to talk further about a talent management program – led by human resources with the support of every business unit head and executive staff member.

Stay tuned!

And your thoughts? Who do you believe is responsible for developing talent? Why?

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