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Enabling for Appreciation of Cultural Diversity on Virtual Teams

Breaking down cultural barriers on virtual teams enables for improved collaboration. When the team collaborates more benefits are many and include:

Innovative ideas on getting work accomplished Increasing creativity in solving problems Increasing the likelihood that new products and services developed will meet the needs of a diverse client base Learning new skills and knowledge […]

Integrating a New Member into the Team – Part II

A Short Story

Read Part I for background information.

Helping the team to accept Allen

Jasmine wanted to avoid a situation where the team – because they were such a highly functioning team – shut Allen out. With the contractor, she hadn’t really spent time getting him integrated into the team. She decided on a […]

Integrating a New Member into the Team – Part I

A Short Story


Jasmine has been leading a team of 8 people who provide support to customers implementing the company’s software products. This team has been together for the last 10 years, and Jasmine has been leading them the entire time. No one has joined the team during that time and no one has […]

Managing Heated Team Meetings

Or…getting everyone to “play nice” once again

While we all wish every single team meetings would run smoothly and people will be kind, polite and listen to each other, unfortunately this isn’t always the case. There are times when we need to manage heated team meetings – where team members are shouting and arguing […]

Best Practices for Facilitating a Team Meeting to Improve Teamwork

When your team is not working well together, consider holding a special team meeting to improve teamwork and get the team back on the right track. Use this special team meeting to resolve the issues that are causing the problems and assisting the team to move forward to improve how the team will work […]