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Is Your Organization Ready for Change?

Is Your Organization Ready for ChangeBefore you launch that next big change initiative, consider whether your organization is ready for it. If they aren’t ready and you proceed, you’ll have a difficult time bringing it to a successful conclusion. Take the time before you launch the change initiative to ensure the organization is ready to move forward.

Consider the following:

  • Is there a general feeling that this change is needed for organizational long-term success?
    (Do they see the problem as you see the problem? Do the “see” the vision?)
  • Do employees understand the end goal/objective of the change initiative?
  • Do employees see the value in the change for both the organization and for themselves?
  • Is there enough trust in leadership for this change to move forward?
  • Has it been communicated to employees, and do they understand, how the change will impact them personally?
  • Do employees have the necessary skills, knowledge, or expertise for the change? If not, will training be provided to them?
  • Are mistakes acceptable within the organization and seen as learning opportunities?
  • Is there a transition period for the change?
  • Do those employees being impacted by the change understand how the change will impact them? Will they have support?
  • Are there other major initiatives going on within the organization that would impact this initiative or distract employees?

How effective have past change initiatives been managed and implemented? Have lessons learned from past initiatives been captured and reviewed and applied to other change initiatives?
Employees must be engaged in the discussions around the change initiative so they understand what is happening and why and can feel comfortable and confident about the initiative. Consider assigning representatives from throughout the organization to serve on the change initiative project.

The more we communicate and socialize about an upcoming change initiative, the more successful we will be in accomplishing our goals and objectives because we will have prepared and engaged the workforce and gotten their support and commitment.

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