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Taking a Project Management Approach in the Creation of Learning and Development Programs – Part II

In Part I of this post we focused on the first two steps – define need and plan. This post will focus on the next three steps – manage and implement and evaluate

Manage the Project

You have worked with the relevant stakeholders to define the need and have worked with the project team to […]

Taking a Project Management Approach in the Creation of Learning and Development Programs – Part I

Learning and development professionals often have quite a lot on their plates – usually with short timelines and unrealistic expectations set upon them. These are frequently one of the smaller departments within a company, utilizing few resources to accomplish projects that, frankly, have a strategic impact on the organization. In many cases contractors are called […]

How Does Your Organization View the Training Group?

How does your organization view the training group? Have you thought about it? If not, you should. I have spoken with a number of clients recently who want to elevate their organization’s perception of the training group and are trying to decide how to best go about it. There are various reasons why they are […]