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Being an Effective Leader

Effective leaders do three things well:

  1. Set direction
  2. Ensure alignment
  3. Gain commitment

They do this not with just a few departments or a couple of divisions but with the entire organization.  The most effective leaders will take these steps:

  1. Set direction for the organization – the vision, where the organization will be in 3, 5, 10 + years and why.
  2. Ensure alignment of that direction with the individual business unit/functional units/departments and with the needs of clients and shareholders.
  3. Gain commitment from throughout the organization by selling that vision so that employees can see the future and get excited about what lies ahead.

The best leaders know how to drive the organization forward by setting a direction (strategy) that everyone can get behind, ensuring alignment throughout the organization and gaining commitment through ensuring that everyone in the organization – regardless of their level – are excited about that direction.  And – they understand how they can participate in helping the organization to achieve its goals.

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