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Three Ways to Develop Leadership Skills – No Matter What Your Role

LeadershipRegardless of your role in an organization, you can develop (and should) develop leadership skills. Here are 3 easy ways to develop your leadership skills even if you are an individual contributor:

  1. Take on an internal project. Undoubtedly there are internal projects that need to get done and limited resources to lead them. This may be improving a process or supporting an initiative your boss wants to launch. Schedule a meeting with your manager to see what opportunities exist to lead or be a key player on an internal project.
  2. Volunteer outside the organization. Many nonprofits need volunteers. Volunteering for a nonprofit is a great way to build leadership skills and do some social good too!
  3. Volunteer to plan a corporate event. This may be a holiday party or a customer appreciation day. While you may not work on the event on your own, take ownership of some portion of it.

There are many ways to develop your leadership skills. Choose something that appeals to you so you remain committed to it.

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