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Too Many Business Books to Read…

And not enough time….


I have rows and rows and rows of business books on my bookshelves! Some I have read…some I still have to get to! I know there is some good stuff in these books however and want to be able to read them all – cover to cover – at some point. Except…with so many books…and so little time, how do you find time to get to them all – or to mark those that might have good material to reference at some point? And that doesn’t even include the business-related magazines and interesting articles I’ve downloaded and printed to read…someday.

Here is what I do:

  • Keep a magazine or a few articles I’ve printed out in the car – inevitably I arrive at a client meeting a bit early (better early than late I say!) and spend the time before I go in to their office sitting in the car and reading a few articles.
  • When I get a new book (and I get lots of them regularly – ok…I know…get control!) I immediately flip through the table of contents and look for what intrigues me. If I see an interesting chapter – I hold the book aside to read that particular chapter.
  • I store my books in subject order – marketing, project management, leadership, ROI, general management, “how-to’s”, etc. – in this way I can easily reach for a book without searching all over the shelves.
  • My books all have tabs in them (I can’t fold over the corner of pages! I had an aunt who was a librarian who would definitely frown on that practice!) to help me keep track of text (OK…yes…I do highlight…let’s not tell my aunt!) that I have found of value for future reference
  • Each time I travel I bring at least 1 business book with me to read on the trip.

I have no doubt there is some electronic way to manage it all. And don’t say I should get a Nook or Kindle and keep it all on that. While I might eventually break down and buy one, I know I’ll never give up a book on the shelf and the feel of one in my hands.

Your thoughts? How do you manage all the reading on your “to do” list? Do you have any tricks and tips that you use? Please share in the Comments field below.


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