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Change: Awareness of the need is only half the battle

Dan Garard

After 20 years in education and business, Dan is exploring the ways project management and specifically change management has applications in many areas of life in helping people move from Point A to Point B whether in relationships, business or education. Learning how to transition personally and to help others in that transition are both part of his personal change journey. Husband and Father, Dan resides in Florida.  Dan’s website and blog is:

When describing his own first law of motion, Sir Isaac Newton said that “…a particle initially at rest…continues in that state unless compelled by forces to change it.” In modern times, we have repackaged that to be “Things at rest tend to stay that way.”  How true that is no matter what area of life we are talking about! It is human nature to resist change and sometimes it takes a lot to move us from that stationary place. It not only applies on the personal level but also in business and even education. It has been said that “Knowing is half the battle” and that is certainly true when it comes to change. If we aren’t aware for the need for change, we will tend to stay where we are but when there are “forces that compel” us, knowing that change is necessary is just the beginning. No matter the area, there are things that help make us aware of the need for change. It could be communication from others, information that makes us aware, a condition we find ourselves in or an event that happens that opens our eyes for the need for change. These might manifest themselves as conversations with our spouse that help us see where change is necessary or the competition putting out a product that is superior to yours and your business suddenly finding itself in “catch-up” mode.

It would be great if knowing was the whole battle instead of half; because just knowing doesn’t really put you where you need to be. The awareness of the need for change hasn’t yet overcome the law of motion involved. Resistance to change is common even though the awareness has been recognized. There are many things that could slow or even stop the correct change from happening.

The credibility of the message or messenger could be in doubt or the message itself could be accredited to rumor. These would cause hesitancy on the part of the person or business because they start to question everything. It also could be that the comfort level of where they are simply overpowers the potential change and therefore, whatever consequences that are ahead are simply accepted by default. Lastly, the perception of a few overrule the perception of the many and the need for change is dismissed altogether. This is where “in the counsel of many, there is wisdom” comes into play.

Change is never easy but when we are made aware of the need, it is important that we evaluate it properly and move forward and overcome the resistance that we will no doubt encounter.

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