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Why the business card will never die

Over the years, business cards have evolved; these changes include digital information like email, social media, and websites. The basic principle of handing someone your business card remains. It’s a symbol of engagement, connection, and intent for future contact. This personal connection will never be replaced with WiFi, Bluetooth, or future technology. The business card is not limited to practical use; it’s symbolic. Technology lacks the capacity to fulfil the symbolic purpose of business cards.

In 1975, Business Week predicted the end of paper in our offices. It’s been more than 36 years since this prediction was made. Printers are still printing, pens are still signing. Although technology is a great tool, it will never replace the basics. The business card has been an essential tool since its inception in the 17th century and will continue to be a staple in building relationships.

As technology grows and takes over the practical purpose of business cards, the individuals who continue to provide business cards will prosper. When was the last time you received a hand written note? It’s rare; perhaps it was several years ago, yet I bet you can remember who wrote you that note.

In conclusion: We often forget that technology does not build relationships, people do. The masses may forget the symbolic aspect of business cards, however wisemen will ignore this trend and continue to build relationships outside of technology.

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