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Team Leads as the Communication Link


On larger, global initiatives consider one area of responsibility for team leads is to be a communication link between the management team and the team’s leads direct reports. The larger an initiative, the more individuals involved in it; which requires more effective communication to ensure success of the initiative. By having the team lead function […]

Factors that Increase Team Success

There are five factors in particular that enable for the success of workplace teams.

Sufficient resources: There needs to be sufficient resources to support the efforts of the team. This includes the members of the team, but may also include additional resources brought in to help the team achieve its goals. Leadership: A strong […]

Getting Your Team to High Performing Sooner Rather than Later

The quicker you can get your team to be a high performing team, the more effectively you can meet the goals and objectives of the initiative. A high performing team works well together – they rely on each other to accomplish the goals of the project, understanding their individual strengths and using those strengths to […]

The Best Team Members

The best team members on your project will be those individuals who:

Don’t think the same way you do – they approach problems and situations differently based on their own experiences and perspectives Have a variety of experiences and skills – their strengths and weaknesses should be different than yours Will share their opinions, ideas […]

Engaging Your Project Team

Often when managing projects we forget the need to keep the team engaged. We are so focused on meeting the schedule, managing the budget, and dealing with the sponsor and other stakeholders that we forget about the team and their needs. We just hope they keep moving forward to accomplish their tasks and tend to […]