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4 Small Business Tools from Google

Google clearly “gets” that Small Businesses Owners are constantly looking for online tools that help. Although Google has hundreds of business focused applications we would like to highlight our favourite. They’re essential for Entrepreneurs and their completely free services.

Google Analytics

Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics has become the industry standard for advanced website monitoring. This free service offered by Google is a priceless tool that is constantly being upgraded. Information is the holy grail for Small Business Owners. We simply cannot afford to wait months to see if a new website, or updated version is converting traffic, we need detailed insight quickly. Most business owners use the basic functionality which in itself is very useful. Heres a list of more advanced functions that you may find useful.

  • On Page Analytics: This new feature allows you to browse your website as a client and view the flow of traffic and the percentage of clients that click on a particular button. This is very useful for Split Testing if you have a “Call to Action” on your home page.

  • Report Scheduling: You can automatically schedule reports be sent to your email for a quick glance over your numbers. As a busy entrepreneur its easy to neglect key aspects of your business such as website analytics.

  • Page Specific Analytics: You can create a separate profile for a specific page within your website of significance, such as a “Sign Up” or “Call to Action” page.

  • 3rd Party Integration: Google Analytics can integrate with other aspects of your business such as “Google Adwords” or “Mail Chimp.” This is extremely useful insight when you’re spending thousands of dollars on marketing.

Set a clear end goal and have parameters for achievement within Google Analytics. Information is only as useful as your understanding of it. We recently had a client with a keen eye on Google Analytics who didn’t notice that 30% of their website traffic was leaving the website from one particular page. We quickly spotted the problem and increased the average time spent on site by 15%.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts


Google Alerts is a powerful tool for Damage Control. This simple service allows Business Owners to monitor their online reputation. Wouldn’t you want to know if a client was bad-mouthing your business in an Online Form? Without fail google alerts will come to the rescue. Simply go to Google Alerts and submit any keyword that may represent your business, choose which type of content (I suggest “Everything”), select how often, and submit your email. You will automatically receive emails with links for mentions regarding your business. The internet can be a scary place without such tools as Google Alerts. Social Media, and Viral videos can empower your brand in a positive, or negative effect. Respond quickly, and efficiently with solutions.



Google Places

Google PlacesAs customers become more sophisticated with technology we must adapt our approach. The increase in smartphone usage had lead to several advancements with Google Services. This includes Google Maps (Google Places) which most people use to locate businesses quickly and easily. Although google may already capture your businesses details its worth spending five minutes too “Verify” your google place details. This will increase accuracy, keywords, and the likelihood that your business will rank higher with mobile users searching for your products or services. Research shows mobile users have a higher likelihood of purchase then their counterpart Desktop/Laptop users. Verify your page today. Google Pages

Business Gmail

Business Gmail


Besides search, Gmail has become one of the most used Google Services available. Its easy to use, understand and has advanced technology behind the search, and filter functions. Most Business Owners are not aware that Gmail is offered for Corporate uses, with personalized domain names: for instance. Its robust, secure, offers 25gb of free space, and its functions work seamlessly with other google services. I highly recommend using the Gmail services for your business. Gmail is free for companies with less then 10 users. Options for additional members are available at a monthly cost of $5 per user.





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